Spirituele Psychologie

Sinds 2003 is Inge werkzaam als therapeut in haar eigen praktijk.
Naast individuele- en relatietherapie legt zij zich toe op het begeleiden van verliesverwerking.
Ze maakt gebruik van uiteenlopende methodes waarvan Touch of Matrix een zeer effectieve bewustzijnsmethodiek is om transformatieprocessen te bewerkstelligen.
While working for many years in the Netherlands as a language lecturer, Inge completed the seven year course at the International School for Spiritual Psychology in the Netherlands.
Inge was also trained in the Self-Confrontation Method, a post-academic training in Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. This method is especially useful when clients are in a time of transition or intensive change, or when they want to make important life decisions.
More recently Inge trained as a practitioner of Touch of Matrix. This is a revolutionary technique provides relief from mental or physical health problems in a gentle and rapid manner.
Inge’s mastery of these various disciplines means that she is capable of working with a wide range of issues
Inge has clinics in Gibraltar and in her home near Sotogrande in Spain. ‘
She is also available for consultation and treatment via Skype.