Natural V Artificial Duality: Robert Moore


The work of the International School of Spiritual Psychology is rooted in the teachings of the Danish Spiritual Healer Bob Moore. Here, we extract parts of the book Conversations with Bob Moore, to share his insights on the difference between natural and artificial duality, which is at the core of Nondual Therapy, Spiritual healing, and Spiritual Psychology.

Can you give more examples of the difference between man-made and natural polarity?

WELL, LET US look at competition, which we can find in many different situations with human beings. In business, for example, one firm is producing something, and another firm is producing a similar type of thing, thus going into competition. This you can look on at the surface and say: It is good, because it is going to help the consumers; they are going to get things cheaper that way. But this is not true. Just as we have competition about what is being made, so we have competition about prices. One firm will keep prices down, as long as it has to, and the other firm will follow, but as soon as the first raises its price, the other firm does the same.

Or you can look at what is happening between nations. You see at the moment big steps being taken around disarmament, a movement, so it seems to me, initiated to a large extent by a specific person [Gorbachov]. But it is important to understand what makes such changes difficult. In most people you find so much fear of other people, in the nations so much fear of other nations, that it is very difficult for a nation to sign an agreement which allows another nation to become equal. Such items raise a lot of fear, which is in itself a sign of mankind being caught in false polarity structures, which will never make sense.

Or I could go back to religion as an example. In Christianity you find the polarity between Catholics and Protestants, which we talked about already. But then from both churches missionaries are sent out to all kinds of countries wanting to ‘save’ people into their way of thinking. I believe they are sincere enough in what they are trying to do, but this is not the point. They are sent out to provide medicine and food for all these people who are ill and starving, and they are doing this with the ulterior motive that they want these people to become like themselves, to believe as they do. To me this is a damaging factor. They are accepting the people because they want to convert them to their own way of thinking. To me this is false. There is a polarity created, which is not for the well-being of those people. Of course they want to help them, but basically the polarity which is created turns their activity into a manipulation, a domination. This has nothing to do with one group of people accepting the opinions of another group of people.

There are so many competitive aspects which have been steering humanity, and through which human beings have tried to make progress. Competition is in itself a destroyer of true polarity. Through competition we are destroying the very ground which we are based on, we are destroying the earth. The earth is being destroyed because of man’s greed, because of his inabilities to see another person’s point of view, because he is not willing to open himself and accept that another person can have another point of view.

In our efforts to understand what true polarity means we have got to turn to nature and try to understand its laws, we have got to try to understand the laws of life. If we read the Bible, it places quite some symbolism before us, which can be worth looking at. You find right in the beginning a strong symbolism of polarity. There was darkness and into it came light, and creation began. So you have two different poles, and those brought together can produce something new, based on the complementary situation. But if the two poles are kept apart, then they become destructive, because there is a void in between them. It is in this void that we have millions of human beings who are not willing to allow things to be brought together to produce a constructive way to grow. So we are not – talk as people may – we are not really living by what is depicted for us as a means of growing or evolving. We are living in the way in which we physically want things to go, and so we are not willing to accept the symbolism which gives us a means to understand what it is to have two opposites that are complementary.

To take another example, we can look at science. Science is actually working on opposing forces, trying to find the means to bring them together in order to produce something new. And one would think: well, it seems like science has recognised what it is about, like science is really working with development. But then, you see, when it comes to the use of those things which have been achieved it seems to me that man again, in his thinking, is driven by fear. The consequence is that those achievements, which could bring us a greater understanding of the laws of life, are, because of man’s fear, again used to create a polarity, which is keeping us apart. So we are in this sort of vicious circle, in which we are not really utilising the things which are important for growth and for well-being in life. We want life for the select few, maybe the select few who agree with the authority, whoever that may be. And this is really opposing polarity. It is opposing what polarity naturally stands for. So, instead of using, for example, north-south and east-west, we are just talking about using it, but in reality we are creating our own north-south and eastwest, and so we are all manipulating or endeavoring to manipulate, and not conforming to what was there from the beginning, whatever the beginning was.

We talk a lot about circulation in energy, and you can see the earth circulate. The earth can only circulate because of polarity. But it seems to me, that in trying to create our own polarities, the circulations we are producing are very often opposing the polarity which naturally exists in the earth. And as a consequence we are producing lots of problems for ourselves, problems in the health of nature and in the health of man.

Next: But how then do we find a healthy connection to polarity?

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