Light, Darkness & Is-Ness: Bob Moore


The work of the International School of Spiritual Psychology is rooted in the teachings of the Danish Spiritual Healer Bob Moore. Here, we extract parts of the book Conversations with Bob Moore, to share his insights on the difference between natural and artificial duality, which is at the core of Nondual Therapy, Spiritual healing, and Spiritual Psychology.

But how then do we find a healthy connection to polarity?

FIRST OF ALL, we have to accept that people should have the freedom to become individuals, without having the pressure of an authority who tells them what is right and what is wrong, what to do and what not to do. This takes away their own means of growing. Going back to the example with the Pope, it is as if in a spiritual way people are not able to think any further than the Pope says they can think. They are not able to have a sexual life, except in the way he says they can have it. Their family life has got to be dictated by what he represents as an authority. And of course, this comes about because people are treated as inferior, as if they themselves do not know the will of God. Only the authority knows the will of God. To me this is utter nonsense.

Until such things are corrected, you cannot find the true polarity within yourself. You can only find it if you at any point of time try to get an understanding of what you need. So what you have as a belief today may change tomorrow, but if you are sincere in what you believe today, then tomorrow can lead to progress. If you are held in the same structures year after year, there is no progress. You are just trapped in the same authoritative structure, which is a power play, a manipulative game with minds, allowing no opportunity for the mind to grow.

Actually, we have many symbols connected to these questions. Again, I will go back to the beginning of the Bible, which I think is important to try to understand, even though we may not have the means to understand fully what the Bible talks about, nor to know who wrote the words: “God said – let there be light!” We do not know who God is, and how it all came about. But we know that the word which is translated from Hebrew into English as ‘said’, means ‘sound’. So it says, that sound has got something to do with creation, as if from sound we have a true state of polarity: We have got darkness, which was there, and light was brought into it. Sound produced an effect in the darkness, and this allowed light to appear. Perhaps this is a description of the beginning of the world. Light came, but it required a sound. Perhaps whoever wrote all this is describing God as God. Maybe it was something like the big bang that took place – maybe that was the sound. It allowed light to come, and this is how we had the blend of polarity to produce life as we know life. But all the same, people are looking at darkness as something which they fear. And of course, darkness could be completely different from that, it could have nothing to do with fear at all.

When light penetrates darkness, colours are produced. And we can look at the colour spectrum, realising that it represents different intensities or different vibrations, we can say different formations, which have affected the earth. Some of these have been able to grow in some way and at some time, others in another way, at another time, and in all of this we are talking, I’m sure, about billions and billions of years. 

Of course, we can only relate to all of this from our present situation. But if we could allow ourselves to open out, maybe this could symbolise what we are calling a beginning.

Looking at structures which are not physical means that we have got to disconnect ourselves from a physical way of measurement, and again we do not really understand this. Perhaps the superstring theory is going to give us the means to understand something more about it. When we look at a movement, which is not physical, then we cannot measure from A to B, as we do physically, so we have to find another way to measure. Maybe the measurement used by the ancient Egyptians from a centerpoint outwards is a measurement relating to non-physical structures. So when we talk about polarity as we do here, we may be dealing with a structure which is not represented by a measurement from the northpole to the southpole, but maybe by a measurement from the center of the earth outwards to each side.

When I watched the Philippine healers work, and I watched them as closely as I possibly could, it seemed to me, that they break the polarity of a person to open up the skin in order to allow their hands to get into the skin without using instruments. It seems to me, that they have found the secret – if it is a secret – of doing that. If it is done correctly, this certainly must make a change in the person it is done to. About the Hunas it is written that they were able to many things, among others controlling winds. I am sure they found some understanding of polarity through which they could make a difference to their surroundings. The same probably applies to a Yogi, who can sit with ice or snow around him and structure the whole movement within himself related to his polarity in such a way that he can melt the ice. I am sure these phenomena are related.

If we look at the human being and wish to learn more about it, I think we have to learn about the realities of the polarity structures within us. When we look at how the physical body is built, we find that it is built within polarity structures, for example, between the brain and the rest of the body, between the two hemispheres of the brain and between the nerves and the muscles, where within the impulse in the transmission between nerve and muscle we have a change of polarity within a thousandth of a second. I am sure polarity is the secret, if we call it a secret, of understanding life. But maybe it is a good thing, that not so many people have found this secret yet. Because if we understood it, the question would be how to find the means of using it correctly. 

Next: Is this what the Bible is trying to show us with the story about the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge? 

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